Friday, June 26, 2009

Just say "NO" to the STUPID relationships!!!

In the news this week were stories of two different politicians caught having extra marital affairs. Both wives of these politicians elected not to stand by the men who had humiliated and ultimately treated them with great disrespect. To those women, I stand and applaud your ability to ditch the STUPID moniker that so many women seem so eager to bare as some kind of badge of martyrdom. Why do we ,as women, have to stand by a man who had so little regard for our feelings just to save his career? Well I say... let his career circle the toilet just as he let the marriage follow that same path. Bravo ladies, Bravo!!

I know when we are young, and not so young, we are plagued by stupid things we do for the sake of having, keeping, or sustaining a dying relationship. I have witnessed so many women standing in line for the STUPID moniker that it resembled a line to the ladies restroom at a music concert ( we all know how long that line can be, especially when you really have to go.)

I must admit this blog has been in the back of my mind since the news stories broke. What actually made me sit down and blog about this subject are close friends I care about going through their own maze of stupidity. We all know from doing mazes as children, viewing them from above looks so easy to find the way out. But, for anyone who has ever gone to a life size maze the twists and turns can be daunting. Sometimes you need someone to show you the way out. The same can be said of maneuvering a bad relationship.

There are times when we KNOW we have found the love of our lives. This person is everything we have ever wanted. They take care of us. Love us. Respect us. Go the extra mile for us. Are nicer to us than anyone has ever been in our lives. How can this ever go awry? This is perfect, right??? If you are lucky, you will have all of this on a mutual basis. If not, the relationship becomes very one sided. Something to remember... relationships change. They morph into something sometimes unrecognizable from the original creature. You may find yourself taking a distant back seat to your spouses other interests. Maybe his friends. Could be his children. Could be a backseat to his immaturity. Why do so may of us allow them to place us in the back seat of our relationship? WHY???

When we are placed into this backseat role, why do we say "thank you for the jab to our heart, may I have another?" Why do we just throw our self respect away and keep pursuing them?

Leave them alone!!

Stop wasting time on who they are with, what they are doing, and things they are saying. This is time you are STILL allowing them to rob from your life. I know there are times when the other person will briefly morph back into the person you fell so hard for but beware... they have already displayed the ability to treat you shabbily. Stop thinking the situation will change. We need to ask ourselves this question... If I had a daughter, would I choose THIS man for her or THIS situation? If you say "No," then don't keep accepting the treatment you would not want for your own daughters.

I keep speaking to the women but really this is for everyone whether you be male or female. Do not let anyone steal your self respect or your ability to be happy with your life and the life of your children, if you have children. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not the biggest kid fan on the face of the planet but I know all children have the right to grow up with caring parents who are happy and not made miserable from a bad situation.

Let those bad relationships go! Don't look back! Don't lament over what may have been. They had their chance. They made their decision. Why waiver on yours? You need to keep moving forward. Once you take a step back you have stepped into the dog doo that is STUPIDITY.